Together we advocate for the long-term health and wellbeing of Australians by providing a powerful voice for those living with, or at risk of, chronic disease.
The Australian Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance (ACDPA) brings together Cancer Council Australia, Diabetes Australia, Heart Foundation, Kidney Health Australia, Stroke Foundation, and Lung Foundation Australia.
Our advocacy is informed by the lived experiences of the chronic disease community and we draw on powerful evidence to improve outcomes and reduce the burden of chronic disease.
Advocacy priorities:
Increase investment in prevention to reduce chronic disease risk factors.
Promote health checks and screening to support management of risk and early detection.
Champion equity in access to treatment, support and secondary prevention to improve health outcomes.
Chronic diseases are the leading cause of disability and death in Australia. However, nearly 40% of disease burden could be prevented by addressing modifiable risk factors, as well as providing support to manage disease risk.
ACDPA focuses primarily on risk factors where there has been limited progress, such as overweight & obesity, unhealthy eating and physical inactivity. We have a supporting role for other major risk factors, such as tobacco, alcohol, high blood pressure, and mental ill health.
New disease burden data and dashboard from AIHW
The latest burden of disease study and a new dashboard for monitoring progress on prevention highlight where we need action. Learn More
National Health & Climate Strategy Welcomed
ACDPA has welcomed a 'game changing' new National Health and Climate Strategy launched at COP28 by Assistant Minister for Health Ged Kearney. Learn More
Workshopping what NCD leadership looks like
ACDPA and co-hosts convened a workshop to identify priorities for NCD leadership ahead of the next UN High Level Meeting on NCDs in 2025. Read a recap
New CVD Risk Guidelines and Calculator Launched
Health professionals can now more accurately assess and predict the risk of adults developing cardiovascular disease with new guideline and tools tailored to the Australian population.
Acting to reduce diabetes impact will help millions
ACDPA welcomes the Committee Report from the Inquiry into Diabetes, urging a decisive government response, with no time to waste. Learn More
A fresh new look for ACDPA
The Australian Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance has a fresh look with a new logo and colour scheme reflecting ACDPA's mission to improve health and wellbeing for all Australians - together. Learn More