Archived media releases
Protect our children - chronic disease groups support calls to restrict junk food advertising (6 December 2018)
Health groups welcome government commitment to develop a national obesity strategy (16 October 2018)
Australia must lead on UN plan to cut chronic disease deaths by one-third by 2030 (25 September 2018)
Australia should lift its disease prevention game before stepping on world stage, say health groups (19 June 2018)
Reps’ inquiry must translate to real change if health system to remain sustainable (27 May 2015)
Public Health Groups welcome launch of Health Star Rating (8 December 2014)
Chronic disease groups concerned by ministers’ decision (20 July 2012)
UN summit marks the beginning of global action on chronic diseases (19 September 2011)
Health groups welcome commitment to tackle chronic disease across Pacific (9 September 2011)
Time to stop industry's self regulation charade on unhealthy food ads to kids (27 June 2011)
Disadvantaged kids nearly twice as likely to be overweight or obese (21 June 2011)
Medical research needs to be protected (14 April 2011)
Health groups refute industry claims on unhealthy food ads to kids (19 January 2011)
Chronic disease death toll requires urgent investment in prevention (17 December 2010)
Time for national roll out of nutrition labelling on fast food menus (8 November 2010)
Time to get moving on preventive health agency (25 October 2010)
Investing in prevention can save costs as well as improve health (8 September 2010)
Australia must lead push for global action on chronic disease (1 September 2010)
Obesity strategy must be top priority for future health of Australians (3 August 2010)
Fast food menu labelling sets pace for action on obesity (30 June 2010)
Prevention part of the cure for a better health system (1 March 2010)
New study highlights need to boost chronic disease prevention (1 March 2010)
Government must put the health of Australians first in tackling obesity (1 September 2009)
Report adds weight to need for comprehensive obesity strategy (2 June 2009)
Time for action on Australia’s growing weight problem (11 May 2009)
‘Up front’ nutrition labelling will aid healthier choices (26 March 2009)
Senate report on junk food ad bans avoids tough decisions (4 December 2008)
Campaign measures up (16 October 2008)
Kids’ weight, poor nutrition, add to chronic disease burden (8 October 2008)
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