Archived position statements
Position statements prior to 2016.
Nutrition labelling on restaurant menus
ACDPA supports nutrition labelling on menus at fast food and snack food chain outlets to provide consumers with the information they need to make healthier choices when eating out.
Alcohol and chronic disease prevention
Alcohol consumption, especially at high levels, can increase the risk of weight gain and a range of chronic diseases, including stroke and some cancers. ACDPA recommends that people limit or avoid drinking alcohol to reduce their risk of developing chronic disease.
Increasing the price of alcohol through taxation is one of the most effective ways to reduce alcohol consumption and associated harms. Alcohol taxation measures should be implemented as part of a broader range of strategies including restrictions on alcohol advertising and marketing, improved licensing systems and adequate enforcement.
Marketing and promotion of alcohol
Alcohol marketing and promotion contributes to young people’s attitudes to drinking, starting drinking and drinking at harmful levels. Restrictions on alcohol marketing and promotion are an important intervention to reduce alcohol related harms.
Health information and warning labels on alcohol
Alcohol product labelling provides an opportunity to inform consumers about the safe use of alcohol and its potential harms at the point of sale or consumption, to assist decision making about consumption.
There is a strong, consistent and positive link between alcohol availability and alcohol‐related harms. Liquor control legislation should be based on alcohol harm minimisation principles and should be exempt from the requirements of National Competition Policy.
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