First steps for prevention
19 September 2019
Media contact: Emily Granland | E: | M: 0408 000 409 | T: 03 9670 1000
The Australian Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance welcomes the first steps for the National Preventive Health Strategy, with the Federal government's announcement of the Expert Steering Committee today.
Chair of the Australian Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance Sharon McGowan will represent chronic disease groups on the committee of dedicated health professionals and academics.
Ms McGowan welcomed the government's commitment to develop a National Preventive Health Strategy as a step towards supporting people to stay healthy and out of hospital.
"One in two Australians is living with one or more chronic diseases and apart from the significant human cost on families and communities, the impact of these diseases on our healthcare system is substantial.
"We know the steps we take now to reduce the burden of these diseases will benefit Australians now and in the future. Investing in prevention will deliver a healthier Australia for generations to come.”
Chronic diseases are the leading cause of death and burden in Australia. But much of this could be prevented by addressing modifiable risk factors, such as smoking, alcohol consumption, overweight and obesity, unhealthy diet, high cholesterol and physical inactivity.
Ms McGowan said there are many proven interventions to reduce risk factors across the population, but we need sustained effort by all Governments and a commitment to long term investment in prevention.
"The National Preventive Health Strategy is a welcome step towards preventing chronic disease and improving quality of life for Australians."
The first Expert Steering Committee meeting will take place later this month.
Australian Health Minister the Hon Greg Hunt MP’s announcement is available here.