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High blood pressure


Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a 'silent killer' that increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes and chronic kidney disease. 

High blood pressure affects over 1 billion people worldwide. In Australia, around 1 in 3 people are living with high blood pressure but many are unaware of their risk or are untreated.

There are no obvious signs or symptoms of high blood pressure, but regular blood pressure checks can help to understand and manage your health.



Simple life changes can reduce risk of hypertension and related conditions. The World Health Organization recommends: 

  • Reduce salt intake (to less than 5g daily)

  • Eat more fruit and vegetables

  • Limit unhealthy fatty foods

  • Enjoy regular physical activity

  • Avoid tobacco

  • Reduce alcohol consumption.


COVID-19 & high blood pressure treatment

It is important to keep managing hypertension and other chronic conditions during COVID-19. Stick to regular treatment, medication and testing plans, and seek medical advice for any persistent and usual changes.

If there is a medical emergency like a heart attack or stroke,  call an ambulance (000) immediately.

People with chronic conditions may be at higher risk of complications from COVID-19, so it is important to practice physical distancing and regularly wash your hands, as well as looking after your physical and mental health. See the Department of Health website for the latest updates on COVID-19.

Checking Blood Pressure

ACDPA's work


High blood pressure is one of a number of factors that work together to increase or decrease risk of vascular diseases like heart attacks, stroke, diabetes and chronic kidney disease.

We have developed guidelines and an online calculator to help people understand absolute risk of cardiovascular disease and help health professionals assess individual risk of disease in the next five years, based on a combination of risk factors.


Some of these factors include blood pressure, cholesterol, smoking, age, gender, diabetes and kidney disease.


© Australian Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance (ACDPA) 2023

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