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The Australian Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance (ACDPA) works together to advocate for: increasing investment in prevention to reduce chronic disease risk factors, promoting health checks and screening to support management of risk and early detection, and championing equity in access to treatment, support and secondary prevention to improve health outcomes.

For media requests, please contact  E:   M: 0434 801 485  

View recent media releases.


4 July 2024

ACDPA welcomes the Committee Report from the Inquiry into Diabetes, urging a decisive government response. Learn More

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13 September 2023

This the 2023 Global Week for Action on NCDs sets the scene ahead of the next UN High Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage taking place on 21st September. Learn More

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19 July 2023

The Australian Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance has a fresh look with a new logo and colour scheme reflecting ACDPA's mission to improve health and wellbeing for all Australians - together. Learn More

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2 May 2023

Health groups welcome new National Tobacco Strategy

ACDPA has welcomed a new National Tobacco Strategy 2023-2030 and measures to reduce tobacco use and vaping, announced today by the Federal Minister for Health and Aged Care, Mark Butler, ahead of the 2023-24 Federal Budget. More

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2 March 2022

Welcome to our new Executive Officer

Lucy Westerman has joined ACDPA as Executive Officer. Learn more.​

Image by Franki Chamaki

8 August 2022

ACDPA response to Food Regulation consultation

Our response to the Food Regulation system's recent consultation outlines the need to prioritise public health and actions to counter the impact of unhealthy diets on overweight and obesity and chronic diseases. See our submissions.


4 July 2022

Census 2021 reports long-term health conditions for the first time

Last week's ABS Census 2021 data reported on long-term health conditions for the first time.

Over 8 million Australians reported living with a long-term health condition and older Australians were more likely to report living with multiple conditions. 

Image by Jeffrey Grospe

21 June 2022

Invest in prevention to save lives

Nearly 40% of chronic disease burden could be prevented by addressing modifiable risk factors. ACDPA's new position statement recommends that governments invest in prevention for health and economic benefits. 

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1 April  2022

Budget 2022 falls short on prevention

Yet again, this year's budget continues to prioritise disease management and treatment at the expense of prevention and population health. Read our response to the Budget here.​

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13 December 2021

National Preventive Health Strategy released

ACDPA's response to the National Primary Care 10-Year Plan supports a shift towards a health and wellbeing system, including prevention and risk assessment. Read here.


11 October 2021

Prevention & primary care research

ACDPA's response to the public consultation on the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) Strategy and Priorities supports investment in public health and primary care research and translation into practice. Read here.

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22 June 2021

Updating the absolute cardiovascular disease risk guidelines & algorithm

The 2012 Guidelines for the management of absolute cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk are being updated by ACDPA, with Heart Foundation leading the project.

Find out more about the update and key dates.

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13 May 2021

Media release - chronic condition multimorbidity

New AIHW analysis shows the devastating effects of living with two or more chronic conditions, prompting calls by health groups for Government commitment to tackle chronic disease. See media release.

Image by Thierry Meier

17 March 2021

The rising tide of chronic disease

We joined a panel discussion to consider opportunities & challenges for chronic disease management & prevention in primary care. Watch now or read the transcript here.

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18 December 2020

Australia - the healthy country?

A decade ago, the Australian Government released a roadmap for prevention. At the end of 2020, it is worth asking “how healthy are we?”

See our article in Rural Health Alliance's online magazine.

Sitting on a Rock

10 October 2020

World Mental Health Day - a timely reminder to check physical and mental health

ACDPA and Equally Well Alliance are urging people to reconnect with their healthcare teams to keep track of physical and mental health. Read media release.

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10 August 2020

Poor diet still a leading cause of disease

New AIHW analyses on the leading cause of chronic disease burden, including tobacco, obesity and unhealthy diets. Read more.

Image by Bill Oxford

17 May 2020

Prevention - turning hindsight into foresight

Prevention is often overlooked and undervalued. But COVID-19 has brought prevention squarely back into the spotlight. ACDPA Chair Sharon McGowan authored a recent article on prevention in the Consumers Health Forum e-journal Health Voices.

Salad in a Jar

4 July 2024

Joint Statement Welcoming Committee Report on Diabetes

Leading health groups welcome the Report of the Inquiry into Diabetes undertaken by the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Health. Learn More

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20 July 2023

Have your say! The Australian Government is seeking feedback on a new draft consumer engagement strategy for health and wellbeing. Survey closes 4 September 2023. Learn More

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19 June 2023

ACDPA welcomes a proposal by MP Dr Sophie Scamps for new laws that would restrict unhealthy food and drinks marketing, helping to create optimal conditions for kids to be healthy, and reducing their risk of chronic disease. Media Release

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23 March 2022

Investing in chronic disease prevention is a key to health for all

Universal Health Coverage (UHC) aims to ensure everyone has access to quality health services without financial hardship. Prevention should be on the agenda when taking stock of progress and charting a path to health for all ahead of the 2023 UN High Level Meeting on UHC. More

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17 October 2022

Welcome to Lung Foundation Australia

We are excited to welcome Lung Foundation Australia as a new member of the Alliance. Lung disease is the second leading cause of death in Australia, and many people with lung conditions live with multiple chronic diseases. Read more here.

Image by Helena Lopes

7 July 2022

New AIHW report Australia's Health 2022 released

A new AIHW report shows that chronic diseases have a major impact on our health in the wake of COVID-19. 

In our response, we call for the Government to invest in the National Prevention Strategy for our future health. Read here.


1 September 2022

Public consultation on CVD risk guidelines

We want your feedback!

Public consultation on the Guideline for assessing and managing CVD risk and Australian CVD risk calculator is open until 28 September 2022. Find out more on the Heart Foundation website.

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7 March 2022

National Obesity Strategy released

The National Obesity Strategy 2022-32 was released on World Obesity Day last week with a range of actions to prevent obesity in Australia.

Read more here.​

Image by Emma Simpson

6 January 2022

5 tips to boost health and save money in 2022

After the rush of celebrations and shopping in December, health groups have come together to offer some tips to boost your health and bank balance in the New Year.

Read the tips here.

Image by Martha Dominguez de Gouveia

9 November 2021

Primary care reform

ACDPA's response to the National Primary Care 10-Year Plan supports a shift towards a health and wellbeing system, including prevention and risk assessment. Read here.

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6-12 September 2021

Global Week for Action on NCDs

Global Week for Action on NCDs - or chronic disease as we call them in Australia - is a chance for the chronic disease community to make your voice heard and demand action to prevent, treat and manage chronic disease. 

Open Statement from Public Health FINAL

8 June 2021

Open letter from public health and consumer groups on food regulatory reform 

Public health and consumer organisations are calling for the Australian Government to prioritise the health of Australians and New Zealanders as they consider reforms to our food regulatory system.

See open letter.

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19 April 2021

ACDPA response to the draft National Preventive Health Strategy

ACDPA strongly supports the draft National Preventive Health Strategy and its commitment to increase investment in prevention. We also think it should focus more on chronic disease risk assessment and early detection. See our response.

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4 March 2021

World Obesity Day 2021

We joined a great line-up of speakers for World Obesity Day 2021 to talk about chronic disease riskIf you missed it, the recordings are now available online.

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19 November 2020

Learning from lived experiences of chronic disease during COVID-19

The views, voices and experiences of people with lived experience of disease should be at the heart of health system reform after COVID-19. Read our article in the Consumers Health Forum e-journal.

Image by Haseeb Jamil

28 September 2020

ACDPA response to National Prevention Strategy

ACDPA's response to the National Prevention Strategy highlights the importance of risk assessment and early detection. Read submission.

Image by Antonio Scant

23 July 2020

Chronic disease risk factors are a ticking time bomb

Australians are being urged not to ignore their long-term risk of chronic disease during COVID-19, as a new report highlights overweight and obesity as a major risk factor affecting two in three Australian adults. See media release.

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7 April 2020

World Health Day 2020. Thank you!

World Health Day offers a timely reminder to say thank you to our health workers. 2020 is the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife, and right now we are reminded that nurses are critical to keep the health system running and provide the necessary support for patients. Read blog.

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6 December 2023

New  Australian Health and Climate Strategy Welcomed

ACDPA has welcomed a 'game changing' new National Health and Climate Strategy launched at COP28 by Assistant Minister for Health Ged Kearney. Learn More

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20 July 2023

2023 CVD Risk Guideline and Calculator Launched

Health professionals can now more accurately assess and predict the risk of adults developing cardiovascular disease with new guideline and tools tailored to the Australian population. Learn More

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31 May 2023

New WHO updates relevant to chronic disease prevention in Australia

The latest WHO World Health Statistics report for 2023 and the 76th World Health Assembly had some important developments for health and chronic disease prevention in Australia. Find out more in our article in Croakey.

Image by Matt Boitor

9 March 2022

Vehicle emissions contributing to chronic disease

New modelling estimates that thousands of Australians could be sick and dying from chronic conditions due to hazardous vehicle emissions. Learn more.​

Image by Jessica Ruscello

7 September 2022

National action plans deserve action

Many National action plans and strategies have been developed over the past few years, but they urgently need government commitment to action and investment to drive change. See our article in Croakey.

Image by Dave Goudreau

7 July 2022

Tips to improve health and redue risk factors

Did you know that nearly 40% of chronic disease burden could be prevented by addressing modifiable risk factors?

We've compiled some tips and tools to help you improve your health and reduce your risk of disease.

Image by Element5 Digital

3 May 2022

Election #AusVotesHealth2022

ACDPA is calling on the government to:

  • Invest in prevention & 

  • Fund national strategies

to reduce the impact of chronic disease in Australia. Read more here.​

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2 March 2022

Welcome to our new Chair

ACDPA welcomes a new Chair this week, as Chris Forbes, CEO Kidney Health Australia, steps into the role and we farewell outgoing Chair Sharon McGowan after 3.5 years as ACDPA Chair.

Read more here.​


16 December 2021

Who is ACDPA?

Together, ACDPA members represent millions of Australians with chronic disease and we work to promote prevention, risk assessment, and early detection of chronic conditions.

Find out more about our shared priorities here.

Image by Nathália Rosa

3 November 2021

National obesity prevention strategy

ACDPA's response to the National Obesity Prevention Strategy focuses on creating healthier food and physical environments and supporting people to manage their risk. Read here.

Image by Charles Deluvio

27 July 2021

Primary Care Reform

ACDPA supports the suite of recommendations to shift primary care towards an integrated, person-centred approach that supports health and wellbeing. Read our submission here.

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27 May 2021

Women's Health Summit panel

Thanks to RANZCOG for including us in the Women's Health Summit at Parliament House. It was a good opportunity to highlight how chronic conditions affect women and the importance of health checks to support early detection. 


31 March 2021

Step by step - getting chronic conditions back on track after COVID-19

2020 brought a pandemic and new challenges for people with chronic conditions. Now, each step towards looking after our health is one step closer to getting back on track. Read article.

Image by Melanie Lim

22 January 2021

Aspirations for the food system

Poor nutrition and obesity are leading causes of chronic disease. ACDPA recommends that public health should be a priority issue in the review of our food system. See our submission.

Image by Hanson Lu

16 November 2020

Review of FSANZ Act is a chance for greater public health protection

ACDPA supports a broader definition of 'public health protection' in the Food Standards Act to address the long-term effects of unhealthy diets and improve population health. Read submission.

Washing Hands

16 September 2020

COVID-19 demonstrates the value of prevention & early detection

Our experience with COVID-19 makes a strong case for prevention and early detection. ACDPA Executive Officer writes in Croakey News about what we can learn for chronic disease prevention.

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21 July 2020

A big win and some small steps for labelling

Food Ministers recently agreed to new pregnancy warning labels on alcoholic drinks. This is a huge win after years of advocacy. At the same time, Ministers agreed on changes to the Health Star Rating system with improvements to governance but not enough to address sugar and salt in the calculator. Read more.

Image by Marcelo Leal

9 April 2020

Don't wait until it is too late

The Australian Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance (ACDPA) is concerned some people are overlooking their existing chronic conditions and even failing to call triple zero (000) for an ambulance in an immediate life-threatening emergency. Read more.


© Australian Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance (ACDPA) 2023

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