Mental health
The link between physical and mental health is often overlooked and COVID-19 presents additional risks.
Eighty percent of people with mental illness also have serious physical health conditions, like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, stroke or kidney disease.
The link between physical and mental ill health goes both ways. Chronic disease can increase risk of mental illness. Many people with chronic conditions experience anxiety or depression, and these conditions can have a significant social impact.
COVID-19 is creating a new set of uncertainties that further exacerbate risk, due to the effects of social isolation and financial insecurity, as well risk factors like smoking, alcohol consumption and unhealthy diet.
Prevention and early detection
Follow up any outstanding appointments that may have been delayed due to COVID-19 to improve treatment options. It is important to consider whole person care - both physical and mental health at appointments.
Simple checks can help to assess risk of chronic disease and detect conditions early to improve treatment options:
type 2 diabetes checks
kidney health checks
cancer screening for bowel, breast and cervical cancer
regular checks for skin cancer.
Other changes can reduce risk:
Eating more fruit and vegetables
Limiting unhealthy fatty foods
Being physically active
Not smoking
Reducing alcohol consumption.
Visiting your GP to manage blood pressure and any medications.

ACDPA's work
Each year, over 10,000 people with mental illness die from chronic physical health conditions – equivalent to 28 people every day. This is more than the number of premature deaths from suicide and road accidents combined.
ACDPA prepared a factsheet on mental and physical health with the Equally Well Alliance to provide key statistics about mental illness and chronic disease.