Global Week for Action on NCDs
6-12 September 2021
The Global Week for Action on NCDs (non-communicable or chronic diseases) is a chance to celebrate the community working together to prevent chronic diseases and improve outcomes for people living with, or affected by, chronic conditions.
ACDPA works to raise awareness of chronic diseases in Australia, with a focus on promoting prevention, risk assessment and early detection to reduce disease burden and improve the future health and wellbeing of Australians.
Key stats:
1 in 2 Australians have a long-term chronic disease like cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes or kidney disease.
1 in 5 Australians have multiple chronic conditions.
Chronic diseases are the leading cause of death and disability in Australia. Around half of all hospitalisations are due to chronic conditions.
38 percent of chronic disease burden could be prevented by addressing modifiable risk factors like smoking, overweight and obesity, unhealthy diets, alcohol, physical inactivity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high blood glucose.
Chronic conditions account for around one-third of the national health budget, but spending on prevention is limited to around 1.5 percent.
Millions of Australians are living with undiagnosed conditions or at high risk of chronic disease. Yet many are unaware of their underlying condition or risk, and the potential for behavioural changes or treatments to reduce risk.
Cancer Council Australia, Heart Foundation, Stroke Foundation and Diabetes Australia, Kidney Health Australia represent the people affected by disease. Together, we work to increase funding for prevention, create healthier food and physical environments, and improve access to risk assessment and early detection to improve outcomes.
What can you do?
Add your voice to the global call for change.
Follow us at @ACDPAlliance on Twitter or get in touch and share your story.
Take a quick online risk test to understand your risk of disease and visit your GP for a health check.
The Global Week for Action on NCD is led by the global @ncdalliance and shared by chronic disease groups and individuals around the world.