New CVD Risk Guideline and Calculator Launched
20 July 2023
A new Australian cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk guideline was launched this week by the Hon Minister for Health and Aged Care, Mark Butler at Parliament House in Canberra.
This is the first major update to Australian CVD risk assessment guidelines in over a decade, distilling evidence from multidisciplinary clinical and consumer groups to inform recommendations which can help patients reduce their risk of cardiovascular and other chronic diseases including heart disease, stroke, chronic kidney disease and diabetes.
Supported by funding from the Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care, and an initiative of the Australian Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance, the development of the new guideline and accompanying calculator has been led by the National Heart Foundation, in collaboration with four ACDPA members: Diabetes Australia, Kidney Health Australia, and Stroke Foundation.
A key feature of the new guideline is the introduction of a new CVD risk prediction equation, which for the first time has been uniquely modified and recalibrated for the Australian population. It is also the first Australian CVD Risk Calculator to account for socioeconomic disadvantage, and interaction with other conditions including diabetes and kidney disease.
New guidance has been provided on reclassification factors that may help clinicians refine risk estimates produced by the Aus CD Risk Calculator. To aid shared decision-making between primary care clinicians and patients, risk communication and patient decision support tools have been embedded within the online calculator platform.
“The updated CVD Prevention Guideline and Calculator will spark important conversations between Australian health care professionals and patients about improving health and preventing chronic conditions including those closely linked to cardiovascular health, particularly heart and kidney diseases, stroke, and diabetes” said ACDPA Executive Officer, Lucy Westerman.
Endorsed by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP), the 2023 Australian Guideline for assessing and managing cardiovascular disease risk and associated Aus CVD Risk Calculator set the new clinical standard for CVD prevention in Australia. We/l encourage health care professionals to explore the new guideline and become familiar with the Aus CVD Risk Calculator.
“Many of the actions recommended to reduce CVD risk have wider health benefits; for example, healthier diets, more physical activity, limiting alcohol and not smoking also help to reduce the risk and impact of several cancers, lung disease, and other chronic conditions.” added Ms Westerman. “With up to 40% of chronic disease burden preventable, helping people to better understand and manage factors contributing to chronic illness is essential for longer and healthier lives.”
Evidence based guidance and tools for health professionals to better predict people’s chronic disease risk to enable early intervention is an important component of the Australia’s National Framework for Chronic Conditions.
Continuing efforts to address other barriers to health like social inequities, and creating environments where healthy options are easy, will increase the potential of the new Guideline by ensuring the circumstances in which people live, work, and play support everyone to be as healthy as possible, at every age.
You can access the guideline, the Aus CVD Risk Calculator and other important resources at cvdcheck.org.au

Hon Mark Butler MP, Minister for Health and Aged Care, (C) and other key stakeholders from the Australian Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance (L-R): Lucy Westerman (Executive Officer Australian Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance (ACDPA), David Lloyd (CEO National Heart Foundation), Chris Forbes (CEO Kidney Health Australia & Chair ACDPA) and Dr Lisa Murphy (CEO Stroke Foundation).

Lived experience advocate Rowena Newman tells her story and explains the importance of the updated guideline and calculator for Australian people, in discussion with Natalie Raffoul, Healthcare Programs Manager at National Heart Foundation.


Hon Mark Butler MP, Minister for Health and Aged Care, (C) and other key stakeholders from the Australian Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance (L-R): Lucy Westerman (Executive Officer Australian Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance (ACDPA), David Lloyd (CEO National Heart Foundation), Chris Forbes (CEO Kidney Health Australia & Chair ACDPA) and Dr Lisa Murphy (CEO Stroke Foundation).