Overweight and obesity
Overweight and obesity can increase risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, kidney disease, and a number of cancers.
Overweight and obesity is a leading contributor to chronic disease burden.
This includes:
54% of type 2 diabetes burden
40% of chronic kidney disease burden
25% of coronary heart disease burden
21% of stroke burden.
Around two in three Australian adults live with overweight or obese, and one in four children are already overweight or obese, according to the latest AIHW Australia's Health 2020.
ACDPA's work
We live in a world that heavily promotes unhealthy food and reduces opportunities to be physically active. ACDPA prioritises changes to physical and food environments to change our current obesogenic environment.
We helped contribute to the development of a national obesity strategy (2022), and we support policies to address environmental, social and commercial influences on obesity.
ACDPA supports the Tipping the Scales. Australian Obesity Prevention Consensus priorities.
See our position statement on overweight and obesity.
Link to other ACDPA position statements and submissions.
Link to Australia's National Obesity Strategy (2022-2030)