Position statements
The Australian Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance (ACDPA) develops position statements on evidence-based policy solutions to prevent chronic disease and promote risk assessment, management of risk, and early detection.
Invest in prevention to save lives (2022)
Nearly 40% of chronic disease burden could be prevented by reducing modifiable risk factors. ACDPA is calling on governments to increase investment in prevention to change environments and support a health system shift towards prevention and wellbeing.
Obesity and chronic disease (2019)
Overweight and obesity increases risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and 13 types of cancer. But around one-third of chronic disease burden could be reduced by addressing modifiable risk factors, including obesity, poor diet and physical inactivity.
Protecting children from marketing of unhealthy food and drinks (2018)
ACDPA recommends protecting children by restricting the marketing of unhealthy food and beverages, including legislating to implement time-based restrictions (up to 9.00pm) on unhealthy food marketing on free-to-air television when the greatest number of children are likely to be watching, independent of whether the programs are designated as children’s programs.
Support for volumetric alcohol taxation (2018)
ACDPA strongly supports increased volumetric taxation (based on alcohol content) of all alcoholic beverages to reduce consumption, minimise alcohol-related harms and generate revenue to support public health initiatives.
Health levy on sugar-sweetened beverages (2017)
ACDPA recommends the introduction of a health levy on sugar-sweetened beverages (sugary drinks), as part of a comprehensive approach to decreasing overweight and obesity. A health levy has the potential to reduce consumption and potentially prevent thousands of cases of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke over 25 years.
Implementing an integrated, cost-effective approach to chronic disease prevention (NVDPA) (2016)
We support an integrated approach to detect and prevent vascular and related diseases in Australian general (medical) practice.
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