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Smoking is still the leading risk factor for many chronic diseases.


Smoking rates have been declining for years in line with government and public health tobacco control policies. However, it is still a major problem and Australia's Health 2020 reported there were more than 1 in 10 adults smoking on a daily basis. 

Smoking contributes to a huge amount of chronic disease burden:

  • 75% of lung cancer burden

  • 72% of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) burden

  • 52% of oesophageal cancer burden

  • 22% of pancreatic cancer burden

  • 19% of liver cancer burden

  • 14% of coronary heart disease burden

  • 11% of stroke burden.

ACDPA's work

We support advocacy to reduce harms from smoking, including through mass media education campaigns and targeted approaches to reduce inequities in smoking as a risk factor for chronic disease.

See our member websites for more information on tobacco control.

Image by Kristaps Solims

© Australian Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance (ACDPA) 2023

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